The Vision | Showcases:  „Smart City“, „Smart Mobility“,  „Smart Tourism“

ShowCase „Tourism Services with ThüCAT“

NOTE: Unfortunately the ThüCAT service provided for the Hackathon is currently unavailable. Thefore the map doesn’t display anything. We upgrade to another available instance as soon as get to know about.

This page contains two visual elements provided by external services:

  1. „The Launcher“ is displayed on the bottom right corner. It works like a kind of remote-control and provides a configurable number of visible items to launch additional tools.
  2. A „castle map“ element is a simple open-street-map enriched with markers representing selected tourist destinations. The data are based on (live) query results from ThüCAT. The map itself is built with Cubbles (a framework based on the webcomponents standards). Note, the castle map itself is injected by the lauchner too.


Note: This is the result of a hackathon – not a production-ready micro webapp. ThüCAT is not ready for production and the database is incomplete. But basically it works and should give you inspiration for more.